Friday, March 27, 2020

Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Journal is a Hoax

Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Journal is a HoaxAs the popular media uses the term 'environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Journal' on a regular basis, it is important to note that this is an exaggeration. Indeed, this is a hoax. The journals are just an easy way for media types to insert themselves into the news by presenting someone else's opinion as if it were an expert.The Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Journal was created to meet the needs of those who were genuinely interested in scientific research. It did not exist to spread a message of any kind.In the world of junk science and advertising, you are unlikely to see anything other than a mass of meaningless information printed in these journals. There is so much propaganda in this field that it is hard to know where to begin.There is so much information out there on food products, pesticides, chemicals, etc. There are so many bad actors in this field that it is almost impossible to keep up with all of them. I c an name just a few of the past presidents of some of the most respected environmental groups.They know more about what causes cancer prevention and treatment than most doctors. When the public starts to feel that they need more help in these areas, the salespeople will bring out an Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Journal. It is extremely unlikely that any genuine study will ever appear.The chemical and food industry, which has a very large presence in this area, uses scare tactics to get people to believe that toxicology and chemistry are important. They may actually be right and it could mean a difference in the lives of millions of people.The Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Journal should not be published by anyone. This is a hoax and its authors should be ashamed of themselves.

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